Industrial vacuum solutions for biomass power plants
Biomass power plants allow the production and use of clean energy, using renewable raw materials such as solid woody biomass or wood chips. They are divided into three types:
- Heating producer companies: They generate heat from the combustion of wood chips.
- Electricity producer companies: They produce electricity.
- CHP companies: Plants that produce both electricity and district heating.
The production process of these companies involves several steps in which the need to remove ash, vacuum materials, and clean production sites is very high. The Delfin range of vacuum cleaners is the ideal solution to solve problems such as:
- The removal of chipping residues in the cutting area
- The presence of ash in boilers
- Cleaning and maintenance of material handling equipment and production areas.

Depending on the size of the plant, the amount of material handled and the requirements, we provide a variety of vacuum solutions. From industrial vacuum cleaners to central vacuum systems.

Wood chips are obtained from wood residues such as pieces of logs and chopped up. A large proportion of this so-called wood chipping is done directly in the forest. However, more and more companies are equipping their facilities with chippers to allow for risk diversification in supply.
Delfin's vacuum solutions allow easy cleaning of the areas and maintenance of the machinery used for chipping, allowing the recovery of wood chip residues resulting from cutting and mechanical handling.

The storage of wood chips must be carried out in a ventilated environment, preferably under a canopy of adequate size and volume to keep the chips in perfect condition while avoiding the risk of moisture.
At this stage, our solutions are ideal for the maintenance of the environment, ensuring efficient cleaning of the storage area and the collection facilities.

The wood chips are moved from the storage area and conveyed into pits or silos that feed the boiler through mechanical movements.
Racks or radlers at the bottom of the pits push the material towards the boiler. At this stage of the process fixed or mobile vacuum cleaners can be used for maintenance of the mechanical handling equipment and cleaning of the rooms.

The wood chips previously generated and handled during the various stages are sent to the boiler for combustion to generate energy/heat.
Here it reaches temperatures of 800/900°. The primary need at this stage is to remove the fly ash generated by combustion.

Residual ashes from the combustion phase must be removed from the boiler. The ash removal or evacuation mode can be manual (in small plants) or automatic (in large plants). In both cases, mobile or stationary solutions are ideal to have an optimal cleaning of the unit and to collect and dispose of the ashes in a predetermined place.

Each building has its own specific heating needs, so each district heating operator has specific requirements regarding connection techniques.
The heat distribution sub-stations are the place where these parameters are regulated. They require constant cleaning and general maintenance.

By choosing a Delfin vacuum cleaner solution you will have a dedicated team, which will follow you through all stages of the process, from analysis, to design, installation and service, ensuring maximum customisation of the system.
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