How to prevent risks of explosion in woodworking?

Wood chips resulting from woodworking in workshops lay down on the working environment and on production lines.
The accumulation of chips represents a risk of fire and explosion, which must be reduced by constant cleaning andmaintenance operations. The inflammable natural feature of wood powder entails the use of vacuuming systems to guarantee the highest safety levels in this type of environment.
When vacuuming wood powder and chips from the source
The accumulation of chips represents a risk of fire and explosion, which must be reduced by constant cleaning andmaintenance operations. The inflammable natural feature of wood powder entails the use of vacuuming systems to guarantee the highest safety levels in this type of environment.
When vacuuming wood powder and chips from the source
- product quality
- production lines efficiency
- workers’ safety and health
are safeguarded and improved.
A woodworking vacuum cleaner is generally used for:
- cleaning machinery
- cleaning the working environment
- extracting shavings from circular saws, polishing boards and other equipment
Wood dust vacuums are most effective when used when the machine (circular saws, sanders and other woodworking tools) is in use.
An industrial vacuum cleaner for use in carpentries must be equipped with high efficiency filters and, in many cases, even ATEX certified for use in explosion hazardous areas, according to the environment of use.
- cleaning machinery
- cleaning the working environment
- extracting shavings from circular saws, polishing boards and other equipment
Wood dust vacuums are most effective when used when the machine (circular saws, sanders and other woodworking tools) is in use.
An industrial vacuum cleaner for use in carpentries must be equipped with high efficiency filters and, in many cases, even ATEX certified for use in explosion hazardous areas, according to the environment of use.
Lots of machinery, the size of the facility or the presence of ATEX zones may necessitate the need for creating an extraction system to handle wood dust. One single industrial vacuum cleaner with many suction points can give you complete control over any wood dust released into the atmosphere. Delfin designs and builds every type of extraction solution for the timber industry.
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